Category Archives: Blog

British Pound Volatile on U.K. Court’s Brexit Ruling and Early Departure of Mark Carney


British Pound Remains Volatile Following Brexit Vote The British pound has been trading lower over the last six months on fears mounting from the Brexit vote. More recently, the pound has faced additional pressure from concerns about the economy, the early departure of Mark Carney, the head of the Bank of England, and a recent […]

The Impact of U.S. Election on the Stock Markets

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Despite the vast differences between Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, the race to the White House is going to be close.  But how will the stock market respond to a Trump or Clinton victory after November 8? Historically, there is a strong correlation with stock market returns and presidential elections, […]

Fed Holds Rates Steady as Stock Market Bubble Gets Bigger

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Federal Reserve Worried about Stock Market Bubble Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen announced recently that she will leave interest rates unchanged in the range of 0.25% to 0.5%. The Fed signalled it could still tighten its monetary policy by the end of year as the labor market, she says, is improving. The Fed last raised […]