Free Two-Hour Trading Workshop is the leading and oldest provider of stock market trading courses in Canada. Each month, the trading instructors at host two free two-hour stock market trading workshops in Toronto.
Those who attend the workshop learn about a number of different stock market strategies and how they can profit no matter what the markets are doing.
What Is the Objective of the Workshop?’s free two-hour workshop is designed to create successful, confident traders. How can we do that? First off, the instructors at are traders. Not only that, they are also educators for the Toronto Montreal Exchange, through which its instructors host educational sessions for major banks across Canada.
Because of our extensive experience, we can teach anyone how to invest and how to trade. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the stock market, will show you how to maximize gain, minimize risk, trade with confidence, and profit on a consistent basis.
How can we do all of this? By keeping it simple.
What You’ll Learn
Those who attend our free two-hour stock market trading workshop will learn how to build a successful trading plan that consistently protects your investments and minimizes risk exposure—whether you want to be a day-trader or build a successful retirement portfolio.
You’ll learn how to rent stocks to create monthly cash flow, speculate on stocks using options, trade currencies, and trade in the futures market. You’ll also learn about’s Lifetime Membership, which allows members to take any part of the program as often as they like.
Monthly Schedule and Venue provides its free two-hour stock market trading workshop twice a month.
The first free stock market trading workshop takes place on Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in a live online interactive format.
The second free stock market trading workshop takes place on Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in a live online interactive format.
Contact us for exact dates and to register for the free seminar.’s Free Two-Hour Trading Workshop
There is no foolproof way of investing. There are always risks. But with the right guidance and skills, you can learn how to trade and invest with confidence. To get there, you need to understand that there’s more to being a successful trader than simply knowing which stocks to pick.
After all, there’s more to investing than just stocks. In addition to learning about different trading strategies and options, you’ll also learn about risk management and capital preservation.
At we understand that no two investors are alike; we have unique personalities and different experience levels when it comes to trading. The trading instructors at can help you develop a trading strategy that reflects your personal style.
To take the first step to becoming a successful investor, take’s free two-hour trading course! Contact us at 416-510-5560 or by e-mail at for more information.